We can’t achieve any of these outstanding wins on our own. We work closely with other maternity advocate groups, individuals, organisations and more. Our collective approach to solving problems, inspiring and making change is the only way that the change we want to see will actually happen.

We are part of the NSW Maternity Services Alliance which includes: Waminda, Maternity Choices Australia, NSW Country Women’s Association, Australian College of Midwives, NSW Nurses and Midwives Association and university-based researchers.

We co-chair a consumer-led Maternity Advisory Group with Waminda in our local health district,

We are members of the advocacy alliance for the Private Indemnity Insurance for Homebirth and we collaborated with many groups and individuals during the NSW Birth Trauma Inquiry.

We also collaborate closely with local perinatal services and organisations in the Illawarra Shoalhaven.

See below all of the organisations we have collaborated with over the past several years. Some are new partnerships and others have been nurtured over many years.

Together, we advocate to influence policy, strategise around how to improve maternity services, share resources and much needed encouragement to keep the momentum going.

Drop us a line if you want to be part of this movement for change! Email us at hello@betterbirthsillawarra.org.au