Want to get involved?
As a Not for Profit Incorporated Association our organisation is run by its members. You can become a member right now with an annual contribution of only $20. Our meetings have always been open to the public and we continue to welcome everyone to come and contribute. But we need your support to continue this incredible work.
Membership enables you to contribute to setting our strategy and decision making on the future direction of our organisation and showing your support for improvements to our local birth services. It also entitles you to vote at committee meetings and our Annual General Meeting and even elect as a member of our Committee.
Application for membership is easy. Complete your details in the checkout and pay your $20 membership fee online. You’ll then receive confirmation of your membership status via email.
We currently have a social media and research volunteer position vacant. Get in touch to find out more about how you can get involved.
Community Midwifery Care Campaign
Add your name to this campaign for more women to access and afford the services of community midwives.