Natasha’s Birth Stories
Date: 24/9/2019
location: wollongong hospital
care provider: mikayla
3 days early, woke up the morning of the 24th, around 5, needing to go toilet and just have the urge to push, although I didn’t think anything of it, I just thought I had come down with a 24 hr bug, got up went and woke up my husband to tell him I didn’t feel well, so he sat with me, and again just the urge to keep going toilet and pushing, then I saw that the mucus plug had dropped and I knew that I was going into labour.
We called the hospital but contractions were still 10 mins apart. Waters had broke around 7, and it was the meconium colour so we started to get a little worried, still had the urge to push. Then I told my husband to call the ambulance and he refused to, kept saying he would take me. By 8.15 or so I called the ambulance myself coz I was so annoyed he wouldn’t, and I just knew that I couldn’t get in the car with him coz of the way I was. He was outside when I called (we had insulators in the roof that day of all days) the lady on the phone told me to get off the toilet and put my husband on the phone, so he walked in and I passed him the phone and said “here talk the ambulance is on the phone, they told him get me to lay down on the bed and take everything off, he was shitting bricks.
Finally ambulance came checked me, and by then I was fully dialated, walked to the ambulance and headed off, peak hour traffic , school zones I just kept thinking on the way there was no chance my husband could’ve taken me. The lady in the ambulance kept me calm going there and kept monitoring my contractions, got to hospital, headed straight up to the birthing unit, transferred me to another bed, they did all the assessments they needed checking baby’s heartbeat and all coz of the meconium.
All was good, and said baby had to be born within half an hour, so walked up to the birthing room and everything began. I was so tired so I was really struggling to push, I needed a cold washer on my head coz everything was just so hot, then I heard them say that if baby didn’t come out soon they would need to use forceps, and when I heard that I just knew I just needed to push as hard as I could to prevent that. No Epi, no gas, and by 10.15 our baby was born. The best feeling in the world is having your baby placed straight on your chest after it, knowing the 9 months of pregnancy brought you so much joy. 5 hours in total
date: 15/6/2021
Location: wollongong hospital
care provider: Christy & amy
We went to bed at around 10, and by 10.30 I was up needing to go toilet, husband was snoring so I couldn’t sleep, went to sleep in the spare room, but kept getting up and just having the urge to push, and I knew that last time this happened it was a sign of labour. Woke up my husband around 11, and I said to him “get up, your not going to work tomorrow pretty sure the baby is coming tonight, so he got up sat up with me, but every time I sat down on the couch I needed to get up and go toilet I just couldn’t sit. My waters still hadn’t broken it, contractions were about 6 mins apart, my husband called his mum to come over and mind our son so we would get ready to go.
We called the hospital they told us to come in as I had a quick labour with the 1st. By 12.15 we called the ambulance coz again there was no chance I could get in the car, they arrived around 1230, walked out to the ambulance (had 2 come to the house) then another paramedic jumped in with us, coz the lady that was with me never delivered a baby on the road, so we took off and I just kept trying to stay as calm as possible a) coz she had never delivered a baby on the road and b) my husband wasn’t in there with me but I knew he was right behind us with the car. Got to hospital 1245, rushed straight in and straight up to the birthing room, and it was 1 midwife I had and everything just began. I had an urge to push but she didn’t want me to yet but I still just needed to push so she put up a sheet and that’s when my waters broke, and everything just happened so quickly after that, again no epi no gas, just a lot of yelling, screaming, swearing (which is normal when giving birth ) and by 1.07 our daughter Milanija was born. 2.5 hours. If we hadn’t made the call to ambulance when we did we would have more then likely had a home birth.